January 21, 2025


Fashion takes it to the next level.

Canadian Olympian Andre De Grasse sounds off on style

When it comes to his personal style, Andre De Grasse admits he’s not afraid to take chances.

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When it comes to his personal style, Andre De Grasse admits he’s not afraid to take chances.


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“I’m very open-minded,” De Grasse says. “I’m open to anything to wear, depending on what I’m feeling like.”

The five-time Olympic medallist and gold-medal winner of the men’s 200-metre final at the Tokyo Olympics has teamed up with Canadian fashion retailer RW&CO. for a campaign that showcases his unique approach to style — and encourages Canadians to “Rise Up.”

For the fall season, the campaign includes several inspiring individuals including diver Jennifer Abel, entrepreneur Manjit Minhas and actor Hamza Haq alongside De Grasse, each sharing their individual journeys.

We recently caught up with Degrasse to learn more:

Canadian Olympic athlete Andre De Grasse suits up for Canadian retailer RW&Co’s fall Rise Up campaign.
Canadian Olympic athlete Andre De Grasse suits up for Canadian retailer RW&Co’s fall Rise Up campaign. RW&Co

Q: How did the partnership with RW&CO. come about?

A: I like wearing clothes and modelling, so when I got approached by RW&Co. about teaming up and doing this Rise Up campaign, which is basically about inspiring and empowering Canadians to continue to really rise up, push through, keep going and rise to the occasion with everything that has been going on with the pandemic and all, I was all for it. And it was pretty cool for me to be a part of it and be able to share my story about mental preparation and how I prepare for a race.


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Q: How would you describe your style?

A: I have a unique style because I’m will to try anything. People probably get the perception of me to think that I’m an athlete, so I’m always wearing sweats and sports clothes. But I like to dress up. I like to wear all types of things. I feel like I just bring a different flavour and a different style.

Q: Would you say that the younger Andre would also have been open to anything? Or is this openness related to an evolution of your personal style? 

A: That’s the new me, definitely not the old me. I would probably just stick to one box and try not to do anything out of the ordinary. But now that I’ve gotten older, I feel like I like to try new things. I’m very adventurous … Traditionally, I used to just go to the mall and go to one or two stores, but now I shop online, I look at different websites. I look at things differently, I guess.


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Q: What would be an MVP piece in your closet?

A: Probably a bomber jacket. I’m always wearing a bomber jacket, that’s one of my favourite pieces. I can dress it down with sweats, I can dress it up with a turtleneck and jeans. When I’m outside of sport, that’s my go-to.

Q: Who would you say is your biggest style influence?

A:Russell Westbrook is one of the guys I like to look at for fashion because he’s like me. We both try different things. Anytime I see him going to an NBA game, he’s always wearing something that you probably would never see. And that’s something that I look forward to. If I’m not going to the track, or even if I’m going to the track, I’m always dressing up a little bit before I put on my track clothes. And that’s something that I guess I see in him.

Q: Seeing as you’re so open to fashion, is there anything that you could say is firmly on your ‘no’ list? 

A: I would say probably something yellow. I don’t think I would wear yellow pants, or something like that. That’s something I probably wouldn’t do. Most of the time I can wear any colour, but I just don’t like yellow on me.

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